+36 20 466 0070 1026 Bp. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 105. | M-F: 10-18 h

Dr. Pellion Szilvia Budai Esztétikai Bőrgyógyászat

Aesthetic Dermatology

ELOS IPL és dióda lézer kezelések

ELOS IPL, diode laser treatment, laser hair removal, TRINITI

ELOS technology incorporates optical energy and bipolar radio frequency to provide safe and effective treatments for an extensive range of skin concerns. Compared to traditional IPL or laser treatments, ELOS offers excellent comfort and safety, noticeable and significant changes.

ELOS is used for:

  • freckles
  • age and sunspots, pigmentation
  • acne scars and enlarged pores
  • scars on the face and body
  • fine lines and wrinkles
  • rosacea
  • photorejuvenation
  • safe and gentle long-term hair removal
  • vascular lesions

Please, get in touch to arrange a consultation or for more details, including the possible contraindications.