+36 20 466 0070 1026 Bp. Szilágyi Erzsébet fasor 105. | M-F: 10-18 h

Dr. Pellion Szilvia Budai Esztétikai Bőrgyógyászat

Aesthetic Dermatology

Drakula, PRP kezelés

PRP (Dracula) therapy

Dracula therapy uses platelet rich plasma (PRP) from the patient’s own blood. It helps restore lost volume to the face, reduce wrinkles, eyes bags and dark circles around the eyes and it is also favoured by those who suffer from hair loss.

First, we collect a small amount of blood from the patient, and we check the number of platelets as part of a comprehensive laboratory test. Then we separate the platelet rich plasma to get a substance, which contains all the important proteins and growth factors. The plasma is injected or micro-needled into the skin or it is combined with VIVACE or BISON fractional CO2 laser treatment.

After the treatment, the skin may be red for a couple of days. For our younger patients one treatment may be enough, but at least three treatments are recommended for the older age group to achieve the desired result. For long lasting effects, Dracula therapy should be repeated every six months.

Please, get in touch for more information or to arrange a consultation! During your consultation, we will assess whether Dracula therapy is the best treatment option to achieve your desired results.